Nappy Rash

Nappy Rash

Just a quick one today but it’s about something that is a real pain in the butt (if you’ll excuse the pun!) I keep remembering this at our photoshoots in the studio and then forget to put pen to paper. It’s normally when we are doing the first birthday photoshoots as the little ones are on food by then. We’ve done the whole session, they’ve got messy smashing a cake, they’ve had a splash in our little bath tub, and then it’s time to get that nappy back on and get dressed. It’s at this point that we get on to the discussion of nappy rash and nappy creams.Newborn baby girl sleeping on the photographers beanbag wrapped in a pink cloth

No one wants to see their baby with a poorly bottom. Imagine how uncomfortable that must be to have nappy rash and sometimes, despite how gentle you are with wiping, or how quickly you change their nappy after they have done a poo, they still get a sore bottom.

The Story

This is our story: our eldest attended nursery from about 7 months of age. This changes a lot in terms of your day to day dealings with your child. Yes, you suddenly have some time to do things, but all of a sudden you don’t know every tiny detail of their day. You don’t know how much they’ve slept, how much they’ve played, what they’ve eaten.Baby girl asleep in a dreamcatcher decorated with pink peonies

Our daughter started to regularly have nappy rash. Nursery would liberally apply Sudocrem. We would liberally Metanium (if you’ve read my previous blogs you will know that I swear by the yellow one). Normally it would get better and generally it was manageable. But then it got really bad, so bad that it was sore and bleeding. So we began to wonder whether it was something that she was eating.

The Culprit

Now we never gave much thought to what we were going to feed our children. We just fed them what we had in the house. So they have always eaten brown bread, wholemeal pasta, lots of fruit and veg. It turns out (thanks Google) that neither us nor nursery were doing anything wrong. That punnet of blueberries that she devoured like sweets was the culprit! Apparently various fruits like blueberries and raspberries can cause really bad nappy rash. We cut out those foods and instantly her bottom was better and she no longer got nappy rash. Now that she is toilet trained she can happily eat whatever she likes. 

I had to share all this with you because it seemed so silly at the time. That something we thought was doing her good was actually causing her harm!Baby girl asleep in a green themed bucket setup for her newborn photoshoot