Baby Photography Studio

Is is better to come to the studio or to have the newborn photoshoot it in my home?

This is a question that I am often asked. Of course there is a difference in price because we have to allow time for loading the car, driving to you and back. But I would advise that this shouldn’t be the deciding factor. There are many factors to consider depending on your circumstances. Below I have listed some of the advantages of each.[0]=68.ARDjAbh_f6AdLh-me1nxW8RiFmEUcWl5M9NYq45W2qvRLwyOMc8lWuLaZJr3P3NFNHcj575JzCmjH8F3AbPFOTDA0r-8GMo5W-l5kBW-dsyh6iuai36rp3l424eXrJeUwS21IcBdmd6twybK8uDLOz-BqBV7Tudai1VprgpNaH6WLfR8x2tXDS7ETylQOpu1xvRkdkWRCjh6eV8PRAEPljcN5ac18kNjKNSqgNakbv8ZfyH9fjISladwuN768EWogTIUmPQ4Jxo3s75F836PHjDtsRFhCgfEb98L3h4vi-bsWiikTphZJ0ksHCzgxaJ_NgRUpIZnB9PLw7b6QoidzQY5KGMO9Ds5lBMHVP8-

Advantages of coming the our Baby Photography Studio


If you come to our baby photography studio you will have the choice of our full range of props, outfits, headbands, hats, blankets etc. If we come to you then we will have to make a selection to bring with us. We have a comfy sofa for you to sit on, outside space for taking photos and for your children to play.


If you already have children you may want to consider how they are going to behave during the session. Depending on their age they may not see going to a baby photoshoot as the most exciting activity of the week. Often though, by bringing them to a new environment, they are on their best behaviour and we can get the best out of them. We try to get the family photos and the photos of them with their little brother or sister taken at the beginning of the session. Then they are free to go for a walk around our woods with dad, or play on our swings or talk to our chickens.

Big brother admiring his baby brother asleep in a tiny bedTea

When you come to the studio you do not need to worry about a thing. Just turn up with your children and relax. We will put the kettle on. We will change their nappies and get them dressed. Also we will clean up after them. If you bottle feed we will take care of that too. You can sit back and enjoy the experience. We don’t even mind if you close your eyes for a minute or too. Just remember that if you have any sentimental items that you want to include then you need to bring them with you. And you might want to bring a change of clothes in case your baby has a little accident during the session.

Advantages of not coming to our Baby Photography Studio

The number one advantage has to be the fact that you are already there. You have just given birth. You might not have left the house yet with your little one. We could be coming to you anytime from day 5.  We like to capture those precious moments when they are still newborn. When they are still super squishy and still curl up like their were in your womb. So if you chose this option all you have to do is open the door to let us in. We are happy to move furniture around as required to make an ideal space for photographing your beautiful family. 

Baby girl posed on our bean bag at our Baby Photography StudioSiblings

If you read my comments above about how bringing your older children to the studio could be beneficial you must remember that the opposite can also be true. Only you know your children and how they are likely to behave. Sometimes parents decide that they are best off staying at home in a familiar environment and with all their toys to hand. Again, we try to get their involvement dealt with as early in the session as possible. Then they can run back upstairs once we are finished with them. We can always call them down again if we need them.


Unfortunately you will be responsible for putting the kettle on and you might need two extra cups 🙂 At the same time we like to remind you that you do not need to worry about tidying up, getting dressed or making an effort on our behalf. We understand that you have just given birth. We have been there and we just want to come and take some beautiful photos of your new baby.

Booking a Baby Photoshoot

You can follow this link to book either the studio or the home option for your newborn photo shoot.