8 Things to do before your Baby Arrives

1 – Decide How you are Going to Send Out Your Birth Announcement

If you live far from your family and friends or you simply want a special way of showing the world your beautiful newborn baby then you should consider a newborn photography session. Don’t stress yourself trying to get that priceless image on your own when all you should be caring about is looking after and getting to know your baby. If you would like to know more about what’s involved in a newborn photoshoot then have a look at our website.

2 – Gather Together Addresses or Emails.

You don’t necessarily need to have printer cards to announce the arrival of your baby. Everyone uses digital images these days and you don’t need the stress of writing hundreds of letters when all you really want to be doing is caring for your newborn baby.Photograph of mummy kissing her newborn baby on the forehead

3 – Book your Newborn Photographer

We highly recommend that you book with us whilst you’re still pregnant. Get it done. You don’t want to stress about missing that one chance. However, if you didn’t get around to booking us when you were pregnant, please do get in touch and I’ll do my absolute best to fit you in.

4 – Get a Waterproof Bed Pad

As photographers we use these all the time when we are photographing babies. But this time I’m not talking about the baby…. it’s for you for when your waters break. The last thing you want is for your waters to break in the middle of the night, for you to have to rush to hospital and for your mattress to be ruined. The ones that you don’t use will come in handy when you want to do nappy free time with your newborn baby.

Photoshoot for 8 week old baby girl

5 – Pack Your Hospital Bag

There is no harm packing not just yours but also baby’s hospital bag a month before your baby is due. Just leave it by the front door and that’s one less thing to stress about. To see what you should pack click here.

6 – Find a Paediatrician and Do a Paediatric First Aid Course

Ask friends or search online, but now is the time to link deeply into this. I can highly recommend the 2 day British Red Cross Paediatric first aid course. I learned so much. You probably don’t even want to think about these things but if and when it comes to it you will be very grateful that you did.

Photograph of baby girl in a basket full of pink roses

7 – Make Freezer Meals

You will probably want to keep yourself busy in those last few weeks and the opposite once baby has arrived so that you can have all the time in the world to admire and enjoy your precious newborn baby. Just take a look at my Pinterest page for freezer meal ideas. You will be really glad that you did. Trust me.

8 – Charge Your Camera Battery


You have the choice of either getting a professional photographer to register the birth of your baby (if the hospital allows) or you can take some pictures of before and after the birth yourself. To be honest this is not the easiest thing to remember to do at those moments. Either way, you certainly don’t want your battery to run out at the crucial moment.

Oh and there’s also the possibility that the lovely lady from Bounty will pop round to see you 10 minutes after you’ve given birth when you’re trying to recover and enjoying meeting your new baby for the first time. Make sure you pack some make up!


Little girl interacting with her parents at her newborn photoshoot