Newborn Photographer – The Gift of Motherhood

The Gift of Motherhood

Having a baby is the most incredible journey you will ever go on. As a newborn photographer I always dreamed that one day I would have my own baby and that I would be able to go on this journey too.

It wasn’t easy. It wasn’t like you see in the films. Eventually I fell pregnant.

You experience such a mixture of emotions in such a short space of time. You celebrate, you cry, you laugh, you cry a bit more… There is no day like the first couple days. You’ve just successfully given birth to your baby, you’ve run the equivalent of a marathon and …. you’ve survived. Your baby is safe and well. You feel on top of the world when you see just how perfect your baby is.

The toes,

Baby toes with parents wedding rings on them

the lips,

Close-up of a baby's face showing beautiful squishy lips


the hairy back….

Sleeping baby with lanugo at her newborn photoshoot


You might not even love your baby straight away but that is ok. You’ve only just been introduced. It won’t be long. You won’t be able to avoid their charms. Soon you will love them more than you have loved anything or anyone ever before.

Photographer kissing her baby daughter on the cheek


It’s incredibly hard being a new mum but yet it is the most rewarding job ever. The sleepless nights, the worrying, the not knowing what to do when baby cries. Nothing can prepare you for motherhood. No books, no NCT classes, no YouTube videos, not even One Born Every Minute (or my favourite Call the Midwife).

But one thing is for sure. YOU CAN DO THIS and you are doing an amazing job, even if baby can’t yet tell you what an awesome mummy you are!

Get in touch with your Newborn Photographer

I hope you have enjoyed reading about some of my experience of having a baby. As a newborn photographer I always enjoy sharing my experiences during the newborn photoshoot. There’s normally plenty of time with all the feeding, changing and cuddling that’s involved. I’m also happy to give advice where I can. If you are expecting a little one soon then I recommend booking your session as early as you can (we normally recommend waiting until after the 20 week scan) as I have limited space in my diary for newborns. Get in touch. I look forward to meeting you and your little bundle of joy very soon.