Milestones of a Baby’s First Year

Ancient Milestones

At the gateway to our studio from the road is a small piece of stone jutting out from the ground. I had been noticing them around the county recently as the grass on the verges is at its lowest and the sun has been shining brightly. Of course many of these are ancient milestones and therefore I assumed that ours would be too. This got my mind thinking about the subject of this blog: milestones.

The reason that we focus our business on the first year of baby’s life is that it contains so many milestones. Their first smile, the first time they roll over, the first time they say mama, the first time they crawl, their first tooth, maybe even their first steps. Yes, there will be many important milestones through the rest of their life. Such as learning to drive; going to university; their 18th birthday. But their first year of life is so jam packed with milestones.

Photography Milestones

The main services that we offer are: the maternity photoshoot. I know this isn’t technically one of their milestones but you don’t want to forget how you looked at this stage. You never know, one day they might be interested to see what you looked like pregnant.

Then as soon as they are born we like to do the newborn photoshoot. They change so much in the early weeks and you will be in a sleep-deprived blur for most if. You don’t want to forget how they looked at this young age. Besides it will give you something to compare to the next photo shoot.

The next time we normally get to meet you is for the sitter or child photoshoot. This can be at any time but we recommend that you wait until they can sit up unaided. This gives us lots of different options for photos. Normally it means lots of smiles as they are beginning to see the world from a different angle.

Then the biggest milestone of the year is their first birthday and we love for them to come to the studio and really have some fun. You have survived a whole year. You have sustained them, nurtured them, grown them. Now you can sit back and watch them smash a cake, splash around in a bath full of bubbles and even get a family portrait.

Damson blossom photographed for a story about milestones in a baby's first year

Post Office Markers

Naturally it made sense for me to include a photograph for the blog. Unfortunately when I got there I discovered some letters on the post: GPO. After a quick google it transpires that this is not an ancient stone milestone (potentially viable as we live on the Old London Road). It is actually a concrete marker post. The General Post Office (GPO) was established in 1660 by King Charles II. The post marks where a cable runs with the distance measured in feet written on it. Not such a romantic notion but I will think about these milestones every time that I pass it and I hope that you look out for it when you visit the studio too. Just remember to turn when you see it so that you don’t miss us! You can see us on the map here. See you soon.

White plum and damson blossom photographed for a blog about baby milestones