Antenatal Classes in Oxfordshire

Antenatal Classes in Oxfordshire for 2019

We are pleased to announce that hot off the press is the latest and most up-to-date version of the antenatal classes in Oxfordshire leaflet. It is called Pregnancy Classes and Services leaflet for West Oxfordshire. It covers all kinds of antenatal courses in Oxfordshire. Sarah from Birth Baby Balance kindly compiled this leaflet.

In the leaflet you will find all the information and contact details for every kind of services that you will need in your pregnancy. “This leaflet aims to help expectant parents make the best use of the various classes and services in West Oxfordshire offering information and support on pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood. These include a range of exercise and relaxation classes, antenatal classes, active birth teaching and more”.

We are very excited to be included in this leaflet as it is handed out by all the local midwives. This includes our very own Chipping Norton Midwives at the Cotswold Birth Centre, as well as the Witney Midwives. We believe that whilst the midwives run their own free antenatal classes in Oxfordshire it is worth considering what you might gain from a more thorough course offered by the likes of Birth Baby Balance.

Daddy-to-be kissing his pregnant partner's bump

Bumps, Balls and Breathing

Sarah herself runs antenatal classes; early pregnancy classes (free); Bumps, Balls and Breathing classes. She is also a doula and offers placenta encapsulation. We like that fact that in addition the leaflet covers: yoga, pilates, aquanatal, hypnobirthing, massage, reflexology, acupuncture, counselling and psychotherapy.  We are included because we offer Bump, Birth and Baby Photography. Our best-selling package is our Bump to Baby option. I have included a link so that you can see the full leaflet by clicking here: Pregnancy leaflet 2019

We believe that the leaflet covers a sufficiently wide variety of options for anyone who is pregnant in Oxfordshire. Not all will be relevant to you but all the services providers are lovely people offering a wonderful service. We recommend that you organise some antenatal classes as well as some classes that will help you to relax and make your pregnancy as comfortable as possible. I would be delighted to hear from you if you have any questions about what to do during your pregnancy. I am happy to offer advice based on my own experience of pregnancy.