Family Session Plan (Location) Fields marked with an * are required Thank you for choosing a session with us. We can't wait to meet you. Could we please ask you to fill out the following information before your session so we can get a good idea of what you would like your session to look like and can plan accordingly Your full name * Phone number * Email * Your address * Type of Session * Maternity Newborn Sitter 1st Birthday Family/Lifestyle Proposed location for the session * Date of Session * Time of Session * Details of your family - Please list names of family members being photographed. Please include ages of any children * Style of session Outdoor Studio style Lifestyle/Natural Is there something special you would like us to try and include in your images? ie special blanket, pet, family heirloom. Are there any colours you would like to avoid? How did you hear about us? Social Media Internet Family/friend Advert Who can we thank for referring you? Is there anything we need to know? Health concerns, complications at birth, were they late or premature, what makes your child smile, special interests/job/hobbies, anything at all... What are your goals for your final images? Wall Art Album Prints Digital Images We like to be sociable and share our images. Please leave us your Facebook or Instagram ID. Likewise we are always very grateful if you can take the time to review us on Google :) Terms and Conditions: Your session is booked with Cotswold Fine Photos. The session fee includes the use of their large selection of props and backgrounds, the time and talent of the photographer for up to 2 hours, as well as all images being beautifully retouched by Pamila to her unique style. SESSION FEE: The session fee is non-refundable. If you think you may not be able to attend your session with us we just ask that you let us know at your earliest convenience so we can re-schedule. * I agree COPYRIGHT: I agree that all the images produced by Cotswold Fine Photos are protected by Copyright laws and images may not be reproduced, cropped, edited over or altered in any way from the original file without permission. * I agree PRINT RELEASE: I understand that Cotswold Fine Photos grant permission for the digital files to be printed at a reputable lab. An unlimited number of prints may be produced from these digital files for personal use and giving of photographs to friends and relatives. The images are not to be used by the client for profit. * I agree MODEL RELEASE: I give permission for my child/children to be photographed by Cotswold Fine Photos and allow for the images to be used in the Cotswold Fine Photos portfolio, blog and associated material, which is common practice within the photography industry in order to showcase and promote the artist and business. * I agree I'd like to occasionally receive exciting special offers by email. * Yes No Please print your name. * I have understood and agree to the above terms and conditions. I am signing on behalf of both parents of the child/children. Today's date * If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty.